Sunday, September 09, 2007

Welcome to Berlin

It's true, in Berlin the things work with strict order. The respect to pedestrians, the crossing of the streets and avenues, the places for smoking, brief, everything's in order; the scent of chaos is just not even close to here. Berlin is not like a city, well, not to the kind of city I come from.

So, Pablo and me were waiting for the bus, it was raining kind of hard, we were protected in the bus-stop cabin. In Berlin you can count the minutes for a bus to arrive, they always arrives at the exact minute. But I didn't count that the post where the schedules of the buses are posted were about six meters away from us, not a significant distance... when it's not raining as hard as that moment.

The bus was coming, I didn't try too much moving from my safe place below the bus-stop cabin, thinking that, as would happen in Mexico, the driver would be empathetic to us and he would park as close as possible and so don't let us get wet.

But I forgot that I was in Berlin, where everything is too ordered. So, the driver stopped just in front of the post, where he's supposed to stop, six meters away from us. We ran, we got wet and we laugh all laud!

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